Probability and statistics  

Prerequisites Differential and Integral Calculus I and II Objectives Master concepts of statistical data analysis, probability theory and statistical inference to understanding and applying such concepts to solve real-life problems in engineering and science. Program - Graphical representation of static and dynamic statistical data with R. - Basic concepts of probability theory. Conditional probability and total probability law. Bayes' theorem. Independence. - Random variables (discrete and continuous). Distribution function. Probability mass function and probability density function. Expected value, variance and quantiles. - Random pairs and linear transformation of random variables. Central limit theorem. - Statistical inference. Point estimation and interval estimation. - Hypothesis testing under normal populations. - Goodness of fit testing. - Linear regression. Evaluation Methodology Exam/tests, possibly with minimum grade, complemented with continuous evaluation components (70%) + computational projects (30%). Oral evaluation for grades above 17 (out of 20). Cross-Competence Component The UC allows the development of transversal competences on Critical Thinking, Creativity and Problem Solving Strategies, in class, in autonomous work and in the several evaluation components. The percentage of the final grade associated with these competences should be around 15%. Laboratorial Component Not applicable. Programming and Computing Component Not applicable. More information at:
Probability and statistics

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